The History of Aiki Ju-Jitsu Nintai Ryu
In 1958, Georges Serei, a Judo and Ju-Jitsu black belt leaves France and started training in Montreal at one of the first available Judo schools. With help from 3 partners, Louis Arpin, Jacques About and Louis Blanc, they opened the Hakudokan dojo in the Outremont area of Montreal. The next year, following a recommendation from the Collège des Ceintures Noires of France, they set up the Collège des Ceintures Noires, forerunner of Judo Canada, Georges Serei being the first president. In 1957, Georges started his 2 sons, ages 4 and 6 years old, with their martial arts training in Judo. They train in both Judo and Ju-Jitsu in the Hakudokan dojo and the dojo he built in their family home. This is the beginning of a life long journey in the martial arts for Pascal and André-Jacques Serei.
Years of continuous training in various martial arts had them on the hard and strenuous path of Budo. As their journey continued they were fortunate to have repeated encounters with many modern grand masters from Judo, Karate, Ju-jitsu, Aikido, Aikibudo, kobudo, Muay Thaï and Savate. Their research, combat sense, and need to increase their knowledge and understanding of martial principles guided them dutifully in the Budo way.
Constant and intensive practice, proficiency in many different styles and life experience had them continuously reflecting about martial arts and it's techniques. Pascal Serei decides to create a combat art and self-defense art that respects tradition but has been adapted to our modern world. In 2000 he founded and developed a new martial art system, Nintai Ryu Aiki Ju-Jitsu, a school of perseverance and effort. Hanshi Pascal Serei understood that Nintai Ryu Aiki Ju-Jitsu needed to be an efficient and complete martial art. A complete, modern and efficient martial art with an emphasis on physical improvement and good health, that is Nintai Ryu Aiki Ju-Jitsu.
Pascal Serei, Hanshi 9th dan and André-Jacques Serei, Shihan 7th dan, are acknowledged experts from different international federations. Hanshi Pascal continues to offer International seminars, Shihan André-Jacques Serei has developed his own Self-Defense program (SDS) and at over 95 years of age, Kyoshi Georges Serei, 8th dan still teaches Nintai Ryu Aiki Ju-Jitsu at Academie Serei in Montreal.
An Explanation of Aiki Ju-Jitsu Nintai Ryu
Aiki Ju-Jitsu Nintai Ryu is a complete martial art, that incorporates the body and spirit into its discipline. Efficiency, realistic combat and self-defense are the essence of the style. Training and mastery of this martial art will provide you with the skills necessary to neutralize one or multiple adversaries.
Nintai Ryu Aiki Ju-Jitsu draws its origin mainly from traditional Japanese martial arts. It is a modern version and methodology that applies directly to our real world needs. Nintai Ryu is ideal for self-defense, defense of others and for physical interventions. It is a complete combat martial art but it is also focuses on lifestyle.
Training is serious and intense but is practiced safely with added benefits to your health. Our classes teach martial technique, strategies, respect, concentration and self-confidence. The foundation of our art has motions of dodging, pivots, the use of the opponents force, balance manipulation and fluidity in action, all created with maximum efficiency in mind.
We teach throws, takedowns, joint locks and submissions. We teach standing and ground fighting, vital pressure points to destabilize your opponent and striking. The combination of these techniques is an integral part of our martial art.
Training is defensive in nature and includes an emphais on multiple opponents who can be armed with a weapon. Repetitive practice of each technique and randori (open practice) makes Nintai Ryu Aiki Ju-Jitsu a harmonious, fluid, fast, powerful and functionally efficient package.
Founder of Aiki Ju-Jitsu Nintai Ryu
Hanshi Pascal Serei
9th dan Hanshi
*Martial art Expert* * Black Belt in 10 Martial Arts* *Specialist in Personal Protection*
Member of the Canadian Black Belt Hall of Fame since 2013
In 2000 I created and founded Nintai Ryu Aiki-Jujitsu, which provides a realistic and modern self-defence and combat martial art with a solid foundation. I started in the martial arts in 1957 and have continued to train with intensity throughout the years on a daily basis. My continued perseverance is fuelled by a life long love for martial arts, maintaining good health and a deep seeded desire for self-improvement.
AIKI JU-JITSU Black Belt 9th dan Hanshi (Martial Arts Intl. Federation)
JU-JITSU Black Belt 7th dan Kyoshi (Yudansha Ju-Jitsu Federation)
AIKI JU-JITSU Black Belt 7th dan (International Budo Assoc., Nintai Ryu)
GOSHIN JUTSU Black Belt 7th dan (Yoseikan World Federation)
AIKIBUDO Black Belt 5th dan (Aikibudo International Federation)
JUDO Black Belt 2nd dan (Judo Canada)
AIKIDO Black Belt 5th dan (YWF)
KARATE Black Belt 2nd dan (Shotokan and Yoseikan)
NIHON JU-JITSU Black Belt 1st dan (Yoseikan Ryu, Japan)
KOBUDO Black Belt Mokuroku Shoden (Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu)
SAVATE/French Boxing Instructor
Certified Instructor Level 2, Police Baton PR24
Certified in Kubotan
Certified Extentable Tactical Baton
Certified P.P.C.T. (pressure points, vital points)
Certified Black Badge, I.P.S.C.(pistol & revolver)
Certifié Secouriste d'Urgence et R.C.R.
Certified National Trainer in Theoretical, Level 2
Certified Specialist in Personal Protection
Gold Belt, Honarary 1989 Québec
Member of Technical Committee of l'AAKQ
International Director of Technique, Aiki Ju-Jitsu: WKF
Member of Nine Lives Associates
Shihan Andre-Jacques Serei- 7th dan
*Black Belt in 6 Martial arts* *Savate Silver Glove (CNBF)* *Founder of Serei Defense System (SDS)*
Shihan André-Jacques Serei, 7th dan, is black belt in various martial arts. As his interest became more and more directed toward self-defense, a side often forgotten in modern martial arts he founded and developed Serei Defense System (SDS). SDS teaches self-defense principles in a simple yet quick and effective fashion. SDS is neither a martial art nor a combat sport but instead is a system based on a martial art foundation and has been adapted for anyone who wants to learn self-defense in the most affective way possible. |
Kyoshi Georges Serei- 8th dan
*Started Martial arts in 1949* *Hall of Fame inductee (CBBHOF)*
Born in 1921, Kyoshi Georges Serei start swimming and water-polo at a very young age to help channel his combative spirit. A retired commando of the French liberated army during World War 2, he started Judo and Jiu-Jitsu in Paris in 1949 with Master René Landra. Once in Canada in 1958, he opened with a dojo, with 3 friends, in Montreal, the Hakudokan, as well as a dojo in his family home. At 96 years of age, he still practices and teaches with passion at Academie Sereimartial arts center. |